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Hi!  Welcome to my website.  I'm Cassandra, wife to Tony of 30 years and mom to two wonderful boys, Caleb and Steven.  Both boys have multiple special needs, and our journey has been far from easy.  I have been in IEP meetings for my boys since Caleb was 3.  We have recently concluded Caleb's educational career since he turned 22 and found an adult residential placement for him. 

I couldn't tell you the actual number of IEP meetings we have had for my boys, but there have been years where we have had to have three or more meetings in a year.  We have dealt with behaviors, difficulty with transitions, building administration unrealistic expectations, a special education teacher thinking she knew my child better than I did, an IEP violation, a state complaint, a special education teacher who didn't read an IEP, and many other items during the 18 years my children were receiving special education services in the public school system.


I know what it's like to walk into that first IEP meeting and have a table full of professionals sitting on one side and you sitting on the other, not knowing what to expect.  I know how hard it is to listen to all the things that your child can't do.  My goal is to help you be comfortable at that table by empowering you to advocate for your child.  But, I also want to help you to work with your child's education as an INTEGRATED team member.  YOU are the most important team member on your child's team.  You know your child best.  You need to be involved in every aspect of your child's educational career.  I can help you with tips to help that happen.  


Let's schedule a time to talk so that we can talk about your child's special educational needs.

My Family


IMPORTANT:  I am not a lawyer and I do not give legal advice.  All advocacy and IEP decisions are your own.

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